
Professional Development in Connected Leadership Continues

The first time I was pushed to blog was when I was taking my AQ in Technology Integration in Instruction back in 2017. I have not done a very good job of keeping up with it. My original vision for my blog was that it would act as a digital portfolio of the things I was doing and thinking about in education, specifically related to digital technologies in education.  In 2018 I was busy completing my Religion Parts 2 and 3 in order to qualify for the Principal Qualification Part 1 (PQP1) course. I was pleasantly surprised on the first day of the course to find out that there was a Connected Leadership Module component for both Part 1 and Part 2. After finishing my Specialist in Technology Integration in Instruction I thought my Professional Development would have to be self driven. I am so happy to continue my learning journey with my course instructors Mark Santandrea, Lou Paonessa, Peter Prochilo and my peers.  I will work diligently this semester, during the PQP2 cou...

Leadership in Professional Learning Networks

Just finished reading Publishers, Participants All by Will RIchardson from Eduational Leadership.  In bold are his Moving Students Online: First Steps for Teachers and following are my reflective thoughts. Become "Googleable" yourself.  I am Googleable but I do need to work on this. I want to work on my brand. I want the sites people see associated with me the most to be the ones about my work. I have my own Blog, I have my own Twitter and Facebook account. I need to build my own website. Model connections.  I do this with students. A few years ago I emailed Nick Bruel the author of Bad Kitty and he wrote back. I was so excited to share this with my students.  I would love to become part of one of those global organizations that I learned about in IICT Part 2, then nstudents and I could experience these online connections together.  Share student work.  This I did through Twitter and I will continue to do this again this year. I will consi...
Howard Rheingold TItle of image: Howard Rheingold Creator name: Joi Ito Source of the image: Of all the technologically inspired teachers out there, Howard Rheingold is probably my favourite. I first stumbled upon his blog through my Integration of Information and Computer Technology Part 2 course. I absolutely love his emphasis on teaching students how to detect crap online and I love how he asserts that this will have a positive effect on both the individual student or learner as well as on the internet commons. He provides insight on how the development of the internet has shifted the responsibility of detecting crap from the producers (publishers) to the consumers (readers). Prior to the internet, publishers were paid well to ensure that the information they were releasing to the world was accurate. With the advent of the internet, anyone can publish any crap at any time. These ideas were not completely new to me as a...
Had fun playing with piktochart today ( Seemed user friendly enough. Wondering what will be the lowest grade level I could use this with. Here is my final product . was a great source of info to create the graphs . I used Google's search engine to find an image that was labeled for reuse and came across one from Thomas Galvez (2012) "Think before you" .
Here's great picture to consider when teaching digital citizenship. Always be careful who you add as a friend on any social media app. Buckley, L. (Photograph). (2013). Flikr. 

Digital Citizenship by Google

I didn't know this even existed until now. Another great resource to consider when teaching my students about digital citizenship. Includes resources for parents too.

Digital Citizenship as a good Samaritan

This has to be THE best resource out there to teach digital citizenship. It is so well organized. I love how it is based around the theme of the good Samaritan. I used some of the ideas and resources provided for my own students and they all seemed to really enjoy and learn from the lessons. Here's the link: