Leadership in Professional Learning Networks

Just finished reading Publishers, Participants All by Will RIchardson from Eduational Leadership. 

In bold are his Moving Students Online: First Steps for Teachers and following are my reflective thoughts.

  1. Become "Googleable" yourself. I am Googleable but I do need to work on this. I want to work on my brand. I want the sites people see associated with me the most to be the ones about my work. I have my own Blog, I have my own Twitter and Facebook account. I need to build my own website.
  2. Model connections. I do this with students. A few years ago I emailed Nick Bruel the author of Bad Kitty and he wrote back. I was so excited to share this with my students.  I would love to become part of one of those global organizations that I learned about in IICT Part 2, then nstudents and I could experience these online connections together. 
  3. Share student work. This I did through Twitter and I will continue to do this again this year. I will consider also adding work to my blog or website or creating a Library/school specific one. 
  4. Practice and teach "reputation management." This is definitely an area of professional development for me. I don't know how to teach "reputation management" other than to think before you click send and to Google yourself periodically. 

 Will I be able to provide leadership with my school colleagues demonstrating these skills?  
My plan is to spend as much of the Open blocks of time to collaborate with teachers to demonstrate these skills to both teachers and students. 
As a school or system leader, can you demonstrate and guide colleagues towards this vision of personalized, online learning?
The greatest transition that has happened in my learning is that I am seeing far beyond the "cool factor" of the tools and am seeing how technology is great for Inquiry Based Learning for example, how it is great for helping students to develop a brand of themselves is a new skill. I'm really looking forward to seeing how myblueprint.ca might contribute to this very idea of helping students to build on their passions. 
Check out this video. The internet really has changed our lives in ways that not everyone has realized yet. Myself included. 


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