An Inspirational Story from Drek to High Tech!

This is an inspirational story. Chelmsford High School’s Learning Commons: From Program to Facility

This librarian went to great lengths to get the funding needed to upgrade this high school library's facilities to further support all the great things that were going on there. This serves as proof to me that with the right intentions and determination, one can get funding to make significant changes to the library space.

The "before" picture is rather shocking as the library resembles a jail!!! Third picture down.

This clip (link below) shows the transformation that has occurred within the Library Learning Commons across all levels of education. I love that library programming is specifically centered around student need, that it changes based on what students are doing at various points during the year. Students are asked what they need and they are involved in the library. Students love to volunteer to work in the library, I would love to here their ideas and see what they have to offer to the library and to each other.

This video also shows how with the world wide web we become producers and consumers. We have more freedom over what questions we have, who we want to interact with and the types of things we are interested in learning.
This is a library learning commons - virtual space with lots of great ideas to model off of - space for students and teachers, excellent resources
I like how this one has a lot of how to videos. I myself have found these videos particularly helpful. Khan Academy bases a lot of their lessons off of youtube videos.
I would have loved to see a video of how this LLC capitalizes on students use of digital technology. It would be really neat if there were apps that enabled students to interact with the smart board. Exactly how is the LLC wired for student cell phone use?


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