Equitable Access and Technology

The emergence of the learning commons suggests the following points to ensure greater equitable access to students... https://www.accessola.org/WEB/OLAWEB/OSLA/Together_for_Learning/The_Learning_Commons.aspx

  • Examine the concepts behind differentiated learning and reflect it in your collection

    • I will have to look into this as I have no idea if differentiated learning is reflected in the learning materials
  • Develop a plan for purchasing both physical and virtual resources that meet the needs expressed by learners based on ongoing gap analysis

    • Again another area where I am clueless as to what the purchasing plan for the school is.
  • Encourage the placement of assistive technology and assistive devices in the Learning Commons

    • Currently the assistive technology is located in the classrooms dedicated to the special education students. I think it would be great to have this technology available in the learning commons as well though I know students need it constantly when working in their classroom so I'm not sure how the logistics of this would work.
    Looking through  - What is a Learning Commons, Anyway http://aslc.ca/blog/what-is-a-learning-commons-anyway -  I see that our library has already been doing a lot of the fluid and flexible things that a learning commons is expected to do. ex. We had a drumming teacher come in to teach the students how to drum. We hold all of our professional development meetings in the library. We hold student project displays for walk about.



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