Sunday March 15 What is a Learning Commons? Continued

I realize that I titled the last post Saturday because the truth is that I did write that information yesterday. It was today that I decided I would lob my learning through this blog - just to avoid any confusion for my readers.
Here's the website from my school
I see we have a twitter window at the bottom however this is the board's twitter profile and not specifically my schools twitter profile so this is something that we could do instead, to have our events being posted regularly on twitter. I know how to create a twitter profile so I will have to talk to the principal first to get the official go ahead to do this.

I'd also like to get a Facebook profile going though I'm thinking this is going to be less supported by my board as we used to have many workshops being offered that pointed out the many hazards of having our how personal profiles on Facebook and were discouraged from being friends with students. This does make a lot of sense in a way because you are supposed to be 18 years of age or older when creating a profile which the vast majority of students would not be. They do exist in other schools though 

I'd like to get a tab specifically for the Library on the school website. This high school has one and this high school is within my board.

I'm really loving this learning log blog. It's really solidifying my ideas in an organized way. It also is reminding me of the Bob Lawblaw Law Blog LOL! 

I think creating this online school profile will help  "Students and staff have access to qualified library staff and resources as needed during and beyond the instructional day. Virtual presence allows access to extend into the home, and is available 24/7. Resources are more equitably available through the vast capability of the world wide web". (T4L p.38)

Khan Academy is a website I would like to start collaborating with teachers in my school to create an online profile there as well to further students' mathematical skills.

Further to the reading of this module has me thinking... What is my board's technology plan? What is my school's technology plan? Do these ideas I'm having fit in with this plan?


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