Lots of learning happening today

It's been over a year since I last wrote on my blog. Why did I stop writing? I had another child! It's amazing how busy these tiny humans can keep you. Luckily I have the help of family to watch my children while I take on the challenges of Integration of Computer Technology in Instruction Part 2 through York University. 

I am so grateful to be participating in an online course with other talented educational professionals this summer. They are giving me the adult conversation stimulation that babies just can't provide. 

BIG LESSON FOR TODAY... I'm making mistakes and I'm going to admit to them here. First mistake, I ate chocolate for breakfast....Seriously, it was the first thing I put it my mouth. I really need that jolt in the morning to get going. Coffee just doesn't cut it. I really should break this habit though.

Other mistakes...I don't know how to get my blog to look as svelte as other peoples' blogs. ex. http://royanlee.com/. I want tabs at the top of mine too. Can Blogger do that? I tried clicking around a whole bunch of settings without success. I watched a Youtube video that was supposed to be for beginners but it did not shed light on this. 

So I just exposed my lack of knowledge on this to the whole world by posting this blog and it's kind of frightening. This must be how my students feel sometimes. Good to know! 

Looking forward to some comments. Actually, I'm a tiny bit afraid. 


  1. Love this post! Your blog looks great. It's clear and uncluttered. Chocolate for breakfast - hey whatever it takes!


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