
I was looking at some of the other Professional Development videos offered through Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB), specifically on YouTube as dpcdsb chats and came accross Newsela . I remember my son using it during the year with his teacher in Grade 3 as he had to do a presentation an article he had selected through this site. If you go directly to the site you will notice there is a class login students can use to access articles.

What I like about Newsela is that it's a great online source of fairly well written articles. I have seen students try to do searches on the internet using Google and they usually don't have enough skill to discern between articles that are written well and articles that are written poorly.

It's very user friendly. You can search articles by grade level. The only downsides are that their are no Kindergarten and grade 1 friendly articles according to the search engine. Also, it only lists American curriculum and only comes in Spanish and English. It would be nice if it came in French as well for our French Immersion students.


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