Really excited to participate in a Summer Institute (Professional Development) being offered by Dufferin Peel in August of mPower and mathies.

I had a chance to register for an account and do some self-learning in the meantime and I am totally impressed. It is a website that has designed games for Grades K-6 all based on the Ontario Math Curriculum. It does not cover the entire curriculum but if you log in you can see under resources exactly which games cover which expectations. For example, for Kindergarten there are 7 different games that cover expectations from Patterning, Number Sense, Geometry, Probability, Data Management, Spatial Sense and Number Sense. The games are also real world and open ended.

One of the neatest features of the website is that it is designed to keep track of student assessment for (diagnostic and formative) as well as as learning (reflection, metacognition).

Looking foward to learning much more about this valuable tool next month. What are your thoughts on mPower? Visit to get your own account. It's free for teachers and students!


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