Leadership in Professional Learning Networks
Just finished reading Publishers, Participants All by Will RIchardson from Eduational Leadership. In bold are his Moving Students Online: First Steps for Teachers and following are my reflective thoughts. Become "Googleable" yourself. I am Googleable but I do need to work on this. I want to work on my brand. I want the sites people see associated with me the most to be the ones about my work. I have my own Blog, I have my own Twitter and Facebook account. I need to build my own website. Model connections. I do this with students. A few years ago I emailed Nick Bruel the author of Bad Kitty and he wrote back. I was so excited to share this with my students. I would love to become part of one of those global organizations that I learned about in IICT Part 2, then nstudents and I could experience these online connections together. Share student work. This I did through Twitter and I will continue to do this again this year. I will consi...